I recently was in one of my creative consultations with a bride-to-be and her sister. When the subject of selecting a wedding date came up…

We discussed all things wedding ceremony and reception, from floral arbours, chandeliers to vintage doors. We designed a beautiful wedding together. Then I asked her if she had finally settled on a wedding date yet,  as I knew she originally had not chosen one.

Let’s take this back one step…

Before I continue, I need to take you back a moment. When I was planning my wedding all of my attention was going to the following details:

  • champagne
  • décor of the room, and what atmosphere it was creating
  • entertainment, and
  • was there enough room on the dance floor for everyone?

Choosing the date of our wedding was a no brainer. We chose the date he proposed, which in fact was also our anniversary, so we only have one date to remember. Easy. Perhaps I have ripped myself of a few extra pressies throughout the year but it’s easy and unforgettable.

But what if the wedding date isn’t so clear cut for you?

Back to the first story now, I asked the bride to be: ‘what is the final date you’ve chosen for your wedding?’ She then went on this number tangent, writing numbers on a piece of paper and both the bride, and her sister, were muttering ‘oh no, that one looks wrong’, ‘no, that one is bad luck’, ‘it doesn’t look right’, ‘oh yes, that date flows!!’

Boom they have a date: 5.6.16 What? I’m confused. Is this an episode of X files? Am I missing something here? More importantly, should I have been doing this when I chose my date? They explain to me: 5, 6 and 1+6 = 7 (5,6,7). So yes, it flows and ‘looks good’!

That was just the beginning, after that meeting I then brought it up this subject to other people, and guess what? They totally ‘got it’. Some were even more serious including the planets, rotation of universe and stars. Was I destined to be in a broken marriage, that will end in destruction, because I chose the wrong date? Are numbers more important than champagne? My mind was in a whirlwind. I discussed this with my loving husband, who reassured me that the numbers in our wedding date would be the last thing to affect our marriage, but a bad bottle of champagne? Well that’s another story.

Always keep in sight what is important to you

It just goes to show how each couple will have their own ‘important things’ and they are very personal to them. This is why when we meet with our couples at Mask Events, we let them express their ideas and thoughts for their magical day. This way we can come up with the perfect design for them.

Please note that I have posted this blog on my birthday, but it also has another special meaning: 18.4.16

1+8+4+1+6=20 and 20 is my wedding date!

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